Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group

Volume 5, Issue 9: Ten Top Tips To Be A Leader Of Your Business

In my experience of working with over 110 businesses around the world over many years, I have been amazed at how often we are called in because the business owner has problems with staff or customers or suppliers or the market. Invariably our first meeting with an owner is dominated by the owner telling us all the problems he is facing and how everyone is against him. This victim mentality typically expresses itself through blame, denial and excuses. After hearing what the owner has to say, we will usually confront him with a simple, bold statement: ’Your problems have little to do with anyone else; they are ultimately a reflection of your own behaviour.‘

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

Volume 5, Issue 9: LinkedIn For Business

LinkedIn is a social networking site for business, enabling professionals and business owners to connect with colleagues and partners across the globe. It is also a powerful business reputation tool. As of August 2010, LinkedIn claims to have the world’s largest professional network with over 75 million members. LinkedIn is a powerful social media website for business with wide adoption across Australia. According to ISP Media, in 2010 Australian membership reached the one million mark, making Australia one of LinkedIn’s fastest growing regions.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Nick Jerrat

Volume 5, Issue 8: Avoiding Business Insanity

In business, especially in difficult times, we tend to spread ourselves across too many areas. In fact many business leaders tend to micro-manage everything in the business, which actually puts a ceiling or a cap on the business growing or innovating.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

Volume 5, Issue 8: Don’t Mistake Movement for Achievement

Two decades have passed since we were told that advances in technology would mean we’d all be working less. It hasn’t happened. We may be all working more, but are we using our time effectively? Stephen Covey book First Things First contains a diagram which sets out four Quadrants of Activity for businesses. The first describes activities that are both important and urgent, like closing a sale, taking an order or dealing with customer complaints.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

Volume 5, Issue 8: Facebook for Business

Among today’s popular social networking sites, Facebook remains the leading tool for social media interaction. According to Nielsen (2010), 75% of Australian users have visited Facebook and about 59% have their very own Facebook profiles. They spend an average of 8:19 hours in a month on the site, 7 hours more than users spend on YouTube.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Nick Jerrat

Volume 5, Issue 7: Momentum

Momentum = Impetus, push, thrust, force, imulse, drive, vigour, propulsion, energy. (Webster’s thesaurus). It’s obvious that we all need momentum in business, career, or life. We are soon discouraged when things stall.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

Volume 5, Issue 7: How do I become an employer of choice?

Employees now expect a lot more from employers - its no longer just a job. But can they be fussy in hard times? An employer of choice is an organisation that cares for individual employees and is concerned about their careers and wellbeing. Increasingly, businesses are creating a brand that attracts the best staff through strong recruitment strategies. They work out how to retain and develop their people and they provide flexible work options that consider an employees life outside of the office.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

Volume 5, Issue 7: Managing your online business reputation

Just like in the “real” world, it is important to monitor and protect your online business reputation. This need is well illustrated by an example. A new client presented to us when faced with a negative online news article, written by a local journalist. This article had appeared in the local paper, and had also been listed on the local news website. Although this was a low interest article about an isolated customer complaint, soon this article was appearing in the search results, due to the existing high ranking of the news website.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Nick Jerrat

Volume 5, Issue 6: Be Flexible

In business - be flexible - as things change learn to respond quickly. DO YOU DITCH THE PLAN? NO - you need an actionable business plan, but within that plan there will be room to change and adapt.
Technology is always changing, social or media issues arise and new products become available all the time. Today’s customers look for Whats in it for me? - this all effects how we market and do business.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

Volume 5, Issue 6: 10 Tips To Break The Cash Flow Drought

When economic hard-times hit, one measure more than any other separates the business survivors from those that fall by the way – cash-flow. In boom times, many business owners naturally turn their focus to measurements like sales and profit, but when things slow down it is cash-flow that is the key test of business health. The good news is that there is plenty business owners can do to turn a cash-flow trickle into a flood.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

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