Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group

Volume 8, Issue 9: The Ultimate Business Growth Equation

Business educator Tony Gattari of the Achievers Group has developed a formula which can help you monitor, measure and tweak your business so that its humming like a well-oiled machine and producing the growth and profits that youre after. He calls it the Ultimate Business Growth Equation, and tells us how it works in the November 2013 edition of “Business Essentials” business program.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

Volume 8, Issue 9: Name selection and protection for businesses, brands, services and products

In the online marketplace, selecting a business, brand, product or service name that is available and protectable, as well as memorable and easy to spell, is a difficult challenge. We outline here a successful strategy for doing so, as well as provide some essential online checks and tools that you will need to achieve this creative and logistical task.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Nick Jerrat

Volume 8, Issue 9: Nine Fast Facts to Problem Solve through Creative Thinking

Problem solving is a core skill leaders need to do well if they want to succeed in business. Here are some fast facts from interviews with some of today’s successful Australian leaders.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Ingrid Gattari

Volume 8, Issue 9: How You Can Benefit From Staff Incentive Programs

Its good business to have a staff incentive scheme. Such schemes boost morale, reward star performers, help the team feel focused and competitive, along with a heap of other advantages. While the team will share in the rewards of superior performance, the BIG winner will be YOU!

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Yale Morgan

Volume 8, Issue 8: Bring New Life To Your Business & Career

In the desert there are two categories of birds.

The Vulture – looking for and surviving on dead things
The Hummingbird – looking for fresh new living plants

Despite changes in government, the economy or other issues that come and go, we should always be looking for fresh, new and living ways to improve our business or career.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

Volume 8, Issue 8: It's all about business principles, not secrets!

Here is a short video where Tony Gattari shares that there are no secrets to business success, but instead the key to business is to understand and apply business principles. These principles are universal that have been around for a long time. Go with these business principles and do not work against them.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

Volume 8, Issue 8: Social Media Update: Linkedin Endorsements

Linkedin endorsements are quickly becoming a widely used feature in the Linkedin network. In fact, since its launch in the closing quarter of 2012, Linkedin users have made more than 550 million endorsements! LinkedIn endorsements are a fast and easy way for people to endorse your skills and expertise with a single click, without having to write a full recommendation. In this article, we discuss how you and your business can benefit from this popular feature.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Nick Jerrat

Volume 8, Issue 8: Leadership Tips From Australian Leaders

Investing time on things that matter is simple. It takes just 1 hour per day, for 1 year and you will see results.

Mark Bilton CEO of Gloria Jeans said, ‘Work/life balance, or more like work/life blend these days is really important. I find I’m at my best when I’m exercising well, when my relationships are good, and I’m spending time with the important people in my life. When all those things are in place and I can operate off that platform, I’m at my best. But if there are holes in those elements, I’m not as functional. ‘ Quote from our new book to be published 2014, Insights from Successful Australian Leaders.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Ingrid Gattari

Volume 8, Issue 8: 5 Ways To Manage Your Time Better - Part 1

What is it that we all have in common regardless of age, race, sex, social status or wealth? It’s time. Sadly for many, this is our most wasted resource, but it’s our most valuable! Managing this precious commodity we call time, can sometimes be a challenge. Over the next two months you’ll learn five simple but effective practices on managing your time for greater results. I really enjoy coaching business owners on this subject, not only do we see incredible increases in personal productivity, but once the team adopt this culture, what an incredible business it becomes!

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Yale Morgan

Volume 8, Issue 7: Discounting is a Drug

No-one wins long term when discounting becomes your primary sales tactic. Unless it is used strategically, it becomes a drug you cannot stop and customers come to expect, even demand discounts every time they purchase.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

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