Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group

Volume 8, Issue 3: 6 Levels of Influence

Whether you are selling, negotiating or just trying to convince people to come across to your way of thinking, how do you get them over the line? It all comes down to six powerful levels of influence. They can make a difference in all areas of business. These principles of influence are going to be really important not only in selling, marketing and customer service but also if you are leading teams. Influence is leadership.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

Volume 8, Issue 3: Should you develop a Mobile App for your business?

Yahoo recently purchased Internet App “Summly” from 17-year-old London school boy Nick D’Aloisio for $30 million. This news has generated renewed excitement around smart phone apps and the opportunities they present for business. The Summly app provides summaries of news items neatly on a smart phone screen. Although selling an app to Yahoo may not be in your business plan, an app could be an effective way to connect to and support your customers. Let’s take a look at how it works.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Nick Jerrat

Volume 8, Issue 3: Are you a transformational leader?

Management and leadership are complimentary but very different skills. Confusion reigns around the difference between the two. Yes, both management and leadership are about leading people. It’s in the outcomes however, we see a vast difference. The key differentiator is one is transactional (managerial leadership) and, the other is transformational (leadership).

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Ingrid Gattari

Volume 8, Issue 3: Falling In Love With Your Business Again

Often we get to a point, especially in challenging times, when we “fall out of love” with our business. Even without challenges, we can get to a point where we’ve forgotten why we went into business in the first place. Not only that, but the constant day to day drudgery which seems never ending, can cloud your vision of all the great things your business can do! For your family, the community, staff, suppliers and business partners.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Yale Morgan

Volume 8, Issue 2: Manage Opposition & Criticism

Life isn’t one long race, but lots of short ones. Every day has it’s own set of things to achieve and challenges to face and they vary from day to day. To be successful is to keep plugging away – we all need perseverance.

A manager once addressed two thousand members of his firm’s sales force during a sales convention.
“Did the Wright brothers ever quit?” he asked his staff. “No!” they responded. “Did Charles Lindbergh ever quit?” “No!” they shouted. “Did Lance Armstrong ever quit?” “No!”

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

Volume 8, Issue 2: Don’t Abdicate Your Financial Responsibility

Say you’d handed your bank account details to a chronic gambler. How well would you sleep at night? How long before you had no money left? I guess that not many people would be silly enough to give access to their bank account to a chronic gambler, and yet many business owners hand all of their business’ financial information to a bookkeeper, accountant or an internal finance employee without ever looking at the numbers themselves until it is all too late.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

Volume 8, Issue 2: The SoLoMo Revolution and what it means for your business

SoLoMo - short for Social, Local, Mobile - is the combination of social media, local search and mobile communication that is currently revolutionising the way businesses market and interact with their customers. Think of a Gen-Y using their mobile to check in on Facebook. SoLoMo has emerged as an evolution of local search, wherein desktop users would look for local businesses, news or products in search engines such as Google.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Nick Jerrat

Volume 8, Issue 2: Collaborative Leadership vs the Autocratic “My way or the highway.”

Businesses, who have a balance of genders within the leadership team or if there is a strong collaborative leadership style, will enjoy performance improvement and an increase in profitability. Those leaders who embrace a collaborative leadership style having rejected the autocratic leadership approach of yesteryear see leaders and employees genuinely focused on solving problems together.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Ingrid Gattari

Volume 8, Issue 2: What’s The Vision For Your Business?

In business we start out with a vision, a vision of what the business will look like, what it will do, how it will help the customers, staff, business partners (suppliers) and of course, how much money youll make. All of this leads to a personal vision of what your future lifestyle looks like. Often in times of adversity, such as the devastating floods here in Bundaberg, we are forced to re-think or re-focus on our vision. Quite frankly, businesses in Bundaberg and a good chunk of the Wide Bay will be affected by the recent events, both positively and negatively.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Yale Morgan

Volume 8, Issue 1: Write Your Own Future

Winston Churchill was quoted as saying: “History will be kind to me, because I intend to write it.”
As a business owner or a department head, are you allowing external and internal influences to write your future? When you look back at the end of the year to see what you’ve achieved, did you actually achieve what you would like to? Well, the start of 2013 is a great opportunity to look at the areas where you can re-write your future.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

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