Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group

Volume 8, Issue 5: Staying Positive in a Negative World

Friends this month I want to focus on two powerful parables which reinforce that the most important strategy that will allow your business to prosper is your business attitude. Be careful to protect your mind during these challenging times. Remember what you focus on is what you will receive!

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

Volume 8, Issue 5: Beat Google with your new USP (Unique Social Purpose)

With the constant changes in search, the time and risk involved in achieving search engine rankings is hard to justify. If you are chasing Google with a cutting edge SEO strategy, you are aiming at a fast moving target. However, there is a better way. Forget about chasing after Google and build an online community and social asset around your business. We call this, your new USP – Unique Social Purpose. If you do this successfully, you will build your business via online word of mouth. At which point Google will rank your website anyway, as a popular and useful resource.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Nick Jerrat

Volume 8, Issue 5: Live Lessons from Australian Leaders

COO of Metcash, Silvestro Morabito, talks about writing a road map for your business, shaping culture and protecting the independent retailer in Australia. The majority of books on Leadership are US based and cite mostly US examples or people from history. In an effort to learn from the best and for the benefits of SME leaders in Australia and New Zealand, I have approached a wide variety of Australian CEO’s and other top business leaders and asked them to share their stories, their wisdom and insight.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Ingrid Gattari

Volume 8, Issue 5: Are Your Team Members Committed and Competent?

In a previous article we discussed your team’s “Activity vs Results”. I hope you went through and assessed your business systems and teams functions. Closing out I suggested your team consisted of the following four result achievement categories. Let’s start from the bottom.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Yale Morgan

Volume 8, Issue 4: Stimulate Your Learning

American cartoonist and columnist Frank Tyger noted:
“Discoveries are often made by not following instructions, by going off the main road, by trying the untried.”

Break your normal pattern
For example: if you normally read leadership books, try one on creativity for a change. Or try a biography. If you like to watch comedies, try a mystery. Get your mind thinking. We tend to fall into comfortable patterns and do things on automatic pilot. If you push yourself to do something different, you might be surprised at what you learn.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

Volume 8, Issue 4: Ten Top Tips to be a Leader of Your Business

In my experience of working with over 110 businesses around the world over many years, I have been amazed at how often we are called in because the business owner has problems with staff or customers or suppliers or the market. Invariably our first meeting with an owner is dominated by the owner telling us all the problems he is facing and how everyone is against him. This ‘victim mentality’ typically expresses itself through blame, denial and excuses. After hearing what the owner has to say, we will usually confront him with a simple, bold statement: “Your problems have little to do with anyone else; they are ultimately a reflection of your own behaviour.”

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

Volume 8, Issue 4: Social Media: Using Pinterest for Business

Since its launch in 2010, Pinterest has dramatically grown in its popularity with currently more than 48 million users worldwide. Its membership has also been steadily increasing in Australia with an estimated 450,000 members as of March 2012 (Nielsen, March 2012). Pinterest is an online pinup board, where users can organise their inspirations, interests and ideas on virtual pinboards, typically around niches like fashion, food, sports, travel, events and many more. Each image or pin is linked back to a particular website, making Pinterest a visual version of social bookmarking sites such as Stumbleupon or Digg.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Nick Jerrat

Volume 8, Issue 4: How to Build Self Awareness

Can you train or coach someone to learn self awareness?

This was under discussion in a group on LinkedIn recently and the context of the question related to leadership and the need for self awareness. The discussion highlighted that continual growth in who we are is absolutely not negotiable if we wish to push higher up the leadership ladder.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Ingrid Gattari

Volume 8, Issue 4: Activity Vs Results

Have you ever had staff that are in early, busy all day and leave late? The impression is they are busting their buns for your business, but in reality you sit back and think “What do they do all day - what have they actually accomplished?” Yes, plenty of activity, but where is the result? On the flip side, this team member probably thinks they are doing an amazing job for you and would be shocked you think otherwise!

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Yale Morgan

Volume 8, Issue 3: Do you want to grow?

Look, Listen, Watch & Apply
You’re never too old.
More than 2,000 years ago, the Roman statesman, Cato, learned Greek at age 80. When asked why he was tackling such a difficult task at his age, he replied, “It’s the earliest age I have left.” When he was 84 years old he declared, Old men retain their intellects well enough, if only they keep their minds active and fully employed.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

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