Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group

Volume 6, Issue 1: 2011 - A New Year & A New Opportunity To Grow Your Business

In your career or your business, you can’t stand still, you need to be growing, all you need is the loss of a client, or cost increases across a range of products and services then suddenly you are on a downhill spiral. There are many ways to grow your business. Let me list a few of the main ones.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

Volume 6, Issue 1: Introducing New Processes To Your Business

Any transformation you undertake will eventually have you introduce some form of new process or checklist. At the heart of systemisation is standardised processes and procedures that ensure consistency, quality and productivity. New processes can (and should) be received with a great deal of excitement. However, it is also common for transforming businesses to have their new processes received with much reluctance and/or actively ignored in favour of the old!

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

Volume 6, Issue 1: Using Google Places to Rank High in Local Search

The use of search to source local services has exploded in recent times, in part driven by the new features of search engines to easily locate local businesses. Google Places provides the easiest and quickest way to be listed near the top of a Google search for location specific keywords. As such, it is important to take advantage of your free business listing in Google Places.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Nick Jerrat

Volume 5, Issue 11: Shed A Lot

‘My dog and cat have taught me a great lesson in life – learn to shed a lot!’ - Some good advice from author Susan Scott


Right now, at the end of the year is a good time to assess.
Start the New Year clean - without the things you DON’T need pulling you down.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

Volume 5, Issue 11: Stop Procrastinating and Enjoy Success!

Too often we are pumping our brains with unhelpful procrastination and punishment scripts that paralyse us into inaction. Its easy to get into a habit of programming ourselves with reluctance, paralysis and self-defeating thoughts. Why do we believe it will be easier not to do the tasks or work and instead put them off? Maybe we are afraid of failure. If we do the task we will not be successful, or it wont be perfect.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

Volume 5, Issue 11: Article Writing for Search Engine Rankings

There are many ways to improve your website’s search engine rankings, but one of the most effective is through writing and syndicating articles on content and topics relevant to your business. By providing your articles for free to other websites, blogs and directories for publication, you can obtain hyperlinks back to your website, resulting in new traffic and higher search engine rankings. The search engines reward great content with great search engine rankings. In this article we address how to write a great article and go about syndicating these articles.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Nick Jerrat

Volume 5, Issue 10: Have You Stalled?

Leaders constantly ask themselves questions - we think the opposite – that leaders know what they are doing, but the more a leader knows, the more questions they ask. Asking good questions on the front end creates a great leader going forward.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

Volume 5, Issue 10: The Manager

Many people mistake management for leadership. Let’s be clear management involves creating effective control that focuses on accomplishing tasks involved in a business. While leadership involves giving guidance and motivation to employees, while having the ability to create a relationship and environment in which the employee is willingly able to apply their unique abilities to meet common goals and objectives of the business.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Tony Gattari

Volume 5, Issue 10: Selling Online - the old rules of marketing still apply

For many established “bricks and mortar” businesses, building a complementary online presence is now an urgent task. In many industries, businesses are already well established online and aggressively pursuing domination of their respective niche. How is an online business different from a traditional bricks and mortar store?

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Nick Jerrat

Volume 5, Issue 9: Client Complaints, Loyalty & Ongoing Influence

By the time Toyota recently issued a massive recall and halted production on six of its models for sticking accelerator pedals and floor mat pedal entrapment, stories were rife that people had been seriously injured and lives lost. It surfaced that Toyota was warned of problems three years earlier! The US fines were heavy and together with the negative publicity it means Toyota will now have to work hard at re-building their reputation.

Category : Learning Library - 60 Seconds with Achievers Group - Peter Irvine

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