This Year

As we enter the beginning of an exciting new year, I hope you have given time to reflect on 2014. Whilst there may have been challenges and obstacles, it’s also important we celebrate the triumphs!

If you haven’t already, now is the time to be planning 2015 and what opportunities could be.

Maybe you’ve heard the term in business “I Have Met The Enemy – And He Or She Is Me”.

So often this is true but, a very exciting concept because that means as owners or managers, we have the ability to change dramatically, the insides of the 4 walls we call our business.

An article that we have used many times in the past, originally written by one of my mentors, Damien Parker, is something I like to remind my clients as we kick off each new year. The article is entitled “This Year”.

  • This year, I’m not going to be a procrastinator. I’m going to do things on time every time. This year I’m going to utilise my time effectively.
  • This year, I’m going to plan my day in advance – in fact I’m going to write down my job functions every morning – first up! I’m going to prioritise them and I’m going to attack them in the order of importance.
  • This year, I’m going to give me and my family the priority we deserve, which is priority 1, 2 and 3. I’m also going to concentrate on my health, because a dead me is no good to anybody.
  • This year, I’m going to delegate more to my staff but firstly I’m going to find out whether they are suited to the role and then I’m going to train the hell out of them.
  • This year, I’m going to look for people doing things right, and I’m going to comment on their good performances and reward them accordingly.
  • This year, I’m going to communicate more effectively with my staff, in fact I’m going to schedule regular meetings to inform them of what’s going on. I’m going to tell them what’s going right as well as what’s going wrong. Above all, I’m going to get them involved. I’m going to seek their views and suggestions.
  • This year, I’m going to implement a regular program of calling my customers or clients – just to say hello and to let them know that I care about their progress.
  • This year, I’m going to say thanks more often and smile when I say it.
  • This year, I’m going to keep a positive mental attitude and I’m going to be a motivator of others.
  • This year, I’m not going to make a promise unless I can deliver on it.
  • This year, I’m going to actively look for opportunities.
  • This year, I’m going to concentrate on pleasing my existing customers and be absolutely loving of my big customers.
  • This year, I’m going to get everyone in my business to think “Do It Right First Time”.
  • This year, I’m going to concentrate on the rule of “A penny saved is a penny gained” and look for every cost savings idea in every facet of the business.
  • This year, I’m going to concentrate on building up my average sale, by actively up selling, cross selling, down selling and switch selling.
  • This year, the entire business is going to concentrate on doing the little things right every day, and to do this, I need to inform the staff, keep them alert and motivated every day. We’re going to sweat the small stuff.
  • This year, I’m going to concentrate on building my business on a secure base.
  • This year, I’m going to get serious about training. I’m going to train my staff into a superior outfit.
  • And this year, I’m going to make my staff proud to be associated with my business or division and damn it, I’m going to be mighty proud myself when we achieve all the goals we deserve.

So go to it before your competition does, because within the 4 walls we call our business - there is enormous opportunity.

To a Positive and Prosperous 2015!

To Your Business Success


Yale Morgan
Better Business Wide Bay
Ph 1300 711 743
Mob 0412 667 559

About Yale Morgan, SME Business development specialist

Yale heads up the Better Business Group (BBG), which, as a company has proven business development products and systems, that range from "Do It Yourself" products to fully systemised Business Coaching Programs.

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